About Us

Hassan Jaffer is an interpreter of the human mind and the question of predestiny and free will. He combines the logic of his engineering background with his acute sensitivity to human nature to explain the complexities of human experiences through astrology. Hassan expresses his love for the Creator and the human potential in every book he writes and every report he makes for his clients. He expresses his love of the highest reaches of the mind in every tape he makes.

In 1975, Hassan discovered that everyone is born with certain predestined internal cycles or "themes" - the timing and duration of which are both destined. However, most of these themes are predictable only in terms of individual experiences rather than actual events. Based on this, he has formulated techniques where you can use your free choice to offset any negative "themes"!

Hassan has been involved in various astro-medical research projects correlating planetary positions and the predisposition of various diseases and will be publishing his long awaited findings in his book "Astro-medical Diagnosis". His books include the yearly Moon Magic series, Revelations of the Hands (Revelation par Les Mains) and Analysis of Famous Charts. Hassan has analyzed thousands of charts - from Renaissance masters to Nobel Prize winners, and uses his research to help his extensive clientele, ranging from media personalities, movie stars, politicians, Royalty, actors, tycoons, businessmen to anyone interested in controlling their destiny. His Personalized Reports and "Your Star Qualities and AstroTrends" tapes complement his unique taped analysis.

Hassan has appeared in numerous radio and television shows including City TV, Tom Charington Show, Life Channel, Dini Petty Show, CBC, as well as live call-in shows in Canada and the U.S., where he gets tremendous public response to his instant analysis and accurate world predictions. His favourite call-in shows were "The John Gilbert Show" and the "Peter Varley Show" where he frequently appeared live across Canada for two to four hours. Hassan will soon be live on the Internet with his radio and TV show "StarWatch". You can also catch his show on the X-Zone on the Internet.

Hassan conducts his popular workshops throughout North America and also publishes a personalized newsletter "AstroTrends" with worldwide circulation to give timely and helpful advice to his subscribers. It gives insight into current and future World events (Hassan accurately predicted the end of communism, end of Apartheid and the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War and the Internet from Nov. 1995). He has also predicted world peace by Nov. 2008! It also gives important trends for effective planning. AstroTrends is the only newsletter to publish your Client number when an article applies to you! Hassan is putting his newsletters, courses and other writings on-line for global access. His book Moon Magic is a practical guide to using astrology to establish longterm goals and even to plan on a daily basis! It makes anyone their own astrologer in about five minutes! Hassan's hobbies include sports, art, painting and playing musical instruments, all of which he considers extremely important to offset his own "themes"!