
Noted Astrologer Hassan Jaffer guides you in matters of Love, Finances, Business, Career etc. Hassan's unique astrological interpretations are now available in a computer report format and make perfect gifts for all occasions. These reports include are based on your date, time and place of birth and are extremely accurate and full of remarkable insights. Choose between many reports or get them all! Available for download immediately.

We have several reports available for you. Most of them have a free version so you can see which one you would like to get more detailed info on. The detailed reports will be constantly updated and Hassan will be adding a lot of valuable insights in them. For example, you may have the interpretation for Mercury in Aries opp to Saturn but it will be very helpful to know that Leonardo da Vinci was born with! In fact, Einstein was also born with a Mercury conj Saturn. In both their cases, they were extremely bright and Saturn just gave them the focus and ability to finish what they started.

Your In-depth Personal Profile (Natal Horoscope):
This detailed report discusses all your strengths, innate potential, limitations, temperament and attitude towards love and other important areas of your life. It is full of extremely useful and accurate insight in yourself and your mission in life. Discover all your talents and start using them. You don't have to be a master of everything but at least start using a lot of your inborn gifts to lead a much happier life. Throughout the report, Hassan shows you how you can best offset the negative aspects and fully utilize your positive ones. A great gift which is with you all your life because your natal chart never changes.....$29.95 by e-mail.

Synastry or Astro-Compatibility Reports:
Improve your personal relationships with Hassan Jaffer's personalized Synastry reports. These are based on the date, time and place of birth of you and your partner, and will give you a thorough insight in your relationships. Will your love be lasting or not? Will your partner cost you money or help you in your earnings? Will he encourage your talents or dampen your emotions? Is your love Fated? Obsessive? Platonic? Stable? You were drawn to each other for some reason? maybe there are more common grounds than you know! Just friends, business or Intimate relationships...just let us know which type of relationship you want to compare. Marriage is not looking into each other's eyes, it is looking in the same direction. We will give you all the tools to make you understand each others needs and how you two can compliment each other for a lasting relationship.....$39.95 by e-mail.